Panels (Site Visit Report Tool)

The purpose of this page is to display the list of Site Visit Report Panels for the current Site Visit Report (SVR). This tab will be hidden if the current user does not have permission for the SVR Process.


Report Authors (as indicated in the Site Visit module Visit Monitor field) will start the report by clicking next to the first question, which will open the Panel module (see Panel Example). The author will answer one question at a time. Questions can be left blank temporarily, but must be answered before they can be submitted for review and approval. Once all questions have been answered, the author returns to the Overview tab and clicks , which will allow the Reviewer the opportunity to comment. A Signing Password is required if the Enable Electronic Signature on Site Visit Reports Configuration variable on the Site Visit Reports configuration group is set to True. Administrators can allow the login password to be the signing password by setting the Use Login Password for Electronic Signature Configuration variable on the Site Visit Reports configuration group to True.


Reviewers can view each site visit report and leave comments for the author in either the Review Comments tab on the panel or on the Review tab (next to the History tab). Comments left by the Reviewer will have a warning symbol on the specific panel on the Panel tab. When Reviewers are done leaving comments, they must click on the Overview tab for the Author to reply.


When the Author returns to the Overview tab, the warning symbol will indicate comments from the Reviewer that need to be addressed. The Author goes to the Panels tab and selects those panels with the warning symbol(s). Then, they go to the Review Comment tab to respond to the comments and close the issue(s). Once all comments are addressed, Authors must click on the Overview tab to submit the report.


Under the Workflow Event, once the Approved step is reached, the Approver (who may be the Reviewer based on the Configuration variables in the System Tables Site Visits) will review and approve the document using their Signing Password and update the Workflow Status.


Additional information is available on the Overview, Monitoring, Narrative, Attachments, Documents, Subjects, Consents, Deviations, Issues, SAEs, Review, and History tabs. The administrator makes the tabs available by selecting the appropriate check boxes on the Administration tab > Site Visit Report Templates > Tabs module.


To view the report as it will print, click , which opens the report as a PDF file with the report status as Current Version Preview and the signature section is left blank. This button will be hidden if the current Site Visit Report does not have a Site Visit Report Template assigned, or if the Site Visit Report Status is Approved or higher. The responses and data fields on the report will represent the current values at the time the button was clicked, except for any sub-report sections, which will reflect the current data up to the time the Site Visit Report Status is changed to First Draft. This prevents changes in sub-report data made after the First Draft from inadvertently updating the Site Visit Report.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.






Panel (# of Fields)

For Site Visit Report Panels with a Type of Single Field, this column displays the Name of the Site Visit Report Field.


For Site Visit Report Panels with a Type of Multiple Fields, this column displays the Site Visit Report Panel Name followed by the number of Panel Fields in parentheses.

Subreports are not included in this tab. To view, return to the Overview tab and click .

Completion Flag Icon

This column displays an icon to represent the completion status of the Panel:

   = Pending

   = Completed or Not Required due to a panel dependency

For Multiple Field panels, each Field in the Panel will have its own Completion Flag Icon.


Pending will be displayed if no value has been entered. If the Panel is not required due to a Panel Dependency, the value of the Site Visit Report Panel Skipped Value Configuration Variable under the Site Visit Report configuration group will be displayed. The default value is Not Required. If a Comment has been entered, it will be displayed below the Response. If an Action has been entered, it will be displayed below the Response and/or Comment.


This field will be checked if the panel field has a dependency. In other words, one field may not be required depending on the response of another field. Panel Dependencies are set up on the Site Visit Report Panel module for the current Site Visit Report Template.


This column displays the user's initials of the last person who updated the record.

Last Update

This column displays the last UTC date and time that the record was updated.

Review Flag Icon

This column displays an icon to represent the completion status of any Review Comments

 = No Review Comments

 = At least one active Review Comment has a status of Open

 = All active Review Comment(s) have a status of Closed

Review Comments

This column displays the number of Review Comments that are open, closed, or none.