Review Comment

The purpose of this page is to provide the ability to view or edit a single Review Comment record for the current Site Visit Report. The Report Reviewer leaves comments for the Site Visit Report Author and clicks on the Overview tab. The Site Visit Report Author returns to this tab to answer the reviewer and close the issue and also clicks on the Overview tab. A Signing Password may be required. Click to return to the Review Comments module.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.



Adding a Record




Editing a Record







This field will be read only unless all of these conditions are true:

  • The current user is a Report Reviewer

  • The current Site Visit Report Status is set to First Draft or Revisions Completed

  • The Status field is set to Open

If this field is editable, then it is required and the user selects from the following choices:

  • Issue:   This field will be hidden unless the Type field is set to Issue. If visible, it is required and the selection will be restricted to the list of records on the Issue Tab and will display the Issue Date, Type, and up to 25 characters of the Issue Description

  • Narrative: This field will be hidden unless the Type field is set to Narrative. If visible, it is required and the selection is restricted to the list of records on the Narrative Tab and will display up to 50 characters of the Narrative text

  • Panel: This field will be hidden unless the Type field is set to Panel. If visible, it is required and the  selection is restricted to the list of active Panels for the current Site Visit Report Template

  • Report

  • Section: This selection is restricted to the list of active Sections for the current Site Visit Report Template

Review Comment

This field will be read only unless all of these conditions are true:

  • The current user is a Report Reviewer

  • The current Site Visit Report Status is set to First Draft or Revisions Completed

  • The Status field is set to Open

If visible, this field is required and the user can enter up to 1000 characters. This field will have no caption.


This field will be read only unless all of these conditions are true:

  • The current user is a Report Author

  • The current Site Visit Report Status is set to Comments Returned

If this field is editable, then it is required and the user selects either Closed or Open.

Author Response

This field will be read only unless all of these conditions are true:

  • The current user is a Report Author

  • The current Site Visit Report Status is set to Comments Returned

If this field is editable, then it is required and the user can enter up to 1000 characters. This field will be hidden unless the Status field is set to Closed.