
The Visits tab displays the visits for the subject. Standard visits are defined on the Project Tables page and added to each subject based on the protocol version. Repeat and unscheduled visits can be added manually or through Data Imports using a Repeat Key.


Click to add a record or to edit a record, which opens the Subject Visit module. Other tabs are available to track additional information including Subject, Enrollment, Custom Fields (if defined), Budget, Import (if enabled), Payments, Deviations, and Attachments.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.







This column lists the visits that the subject attended.

Target Date

This column lists the date that the subject is expected, which is based on the visit schedule defined in the Project Tables. The tool tip indicates the number of days from a target visit that was used to calculate the target date.

Status Icon

The field will display one of the following icons:

  = Potential

 = Completed

 = Cancelled

= Late: Target Date is prior to the current date, but the High Range of days has not been exceeded

= Missed: Target Date is prior to the current date, and the High Range of days has been exceeded OR a Scheduled Date has been entered and is prior to the current date

Visit Status

This column lists the status of the visit. The available choices are Completed, Planned, and Scheduled (default when adding a new record).

Visit Date

This column lists the dates of the visits. A yellow caution icon may appear to the right of this column if the visit date is outside of the acceptable range for the visit. The tool tip for the icon indicates the reason for the icon as well as the range of acceptable days.

Visit Date Icon

The field will display one of the following icons:

 = No Visit Date

 = Days are within acceptable range

 = Days are outside of acceptable range

Monitor Status

The Monitor Status fields are based on the first active Subject Visit Monitor Status record, ordered by highest to lowest Monitor Status, then by Monitor Date, then by the internal Unique ID of the SubjectVisitMonitor record.

= N/A or Not Monitored

= Partial or Monitored

= Not Required

Monitor Date

This column lists the date that the subject was monitored and is brought forward from the Monitor Status module.


This column lists the Monitor, if they were identified on the Monitor Status module.

Visit Procedures

This column displays an icon that indicates the status of the subject's completing the project's procedures:

 = No Procedures Defined for this Visit

= No Procedures are Complete

 = Some Procedures are Complete

 = All Procedures are Complete

Other Conditions

This column displays whether the subject completed other procedures. This is only for imported data.

= Other Conditions Met

= Other Conditions Not Met


This column displays any additional information that was recorded for this subject.


This column displays the number of documents attached to the record using X of Y, where Y is the total number of attachments, and X is the number that have been linked/uploaded. A check in front of the display indicates that all attachments have been linked or uploaded.