Payments Tab

The Payments tab lists the Subject Payments for the current Subject. This tab will be hidden if the user does not have permission for the Site Payments feature or if the Enable Site Budgets configuration variable under the Finance and Budgets configuration group is set to False.


For payments that are Not Approved or Pending, the user can approve a single payment by clicking the empty box on the far right or approve all payments by clicking . This button will be hidden if the user does not have edit permission for the Site Payments or the Subject Management features or if the current database is read-only.




For payments that are Approved, the user can un-approve a single payment by clicking the empty box on the far right or un-approve all payments by clicking . This link will be hidden if the user does not have edit permission for the Site Payments or the Subject Management features or if the current database is read-only.




Clicking opens the Transaction module, which allows the user the ability to adjust the payment if necessary.


The Approval Status for Cancelled Visits Configuration Variable may override the approval status for Subject Visits with a status of Cancelled.


Other tabs are available to track additional information including Subject, Enrollment, Custom Fields (if defined), Import (if enabled), Visits, Budget, Deviations, and Attachments.


After clicking Save, all budget transactions will be recompiled for the current Subject. This may cause a change in Site Budget and Amount for existing transactions that have not been invoiced or the creation of reversing transactions for items that have already been invoiced.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.







This column lists the date of the event.


This column abbreviates the payment type. For instance, CHG means charge.


This column lists the type of visit or event.

Site Budget

This column lists the site budget that is connected to this subject's visit.



Event Ready

= Ready

= Not Ready

Payment Trigger

= Condition Met

= Condition Not Met

Visit Monitored

= Condition Met

= Condition Not Met

N/A = Condition Not Required

Visit Procedures

= Condition Met

= Condition Not Met

N/A = Condition Not Required

Other Conditions

= Condition Met

= Condition Not Met

N/A = Condition Not Required



Payment Amount

This column lists the amount of the invoice.

Approval Status and Icon

This column lists the status of the invoice:

= Not Ready

= Conditions Not Met

= Approved

= Not Approved

= Invoiced