Project Calendar Overview

The purpose of the Project Calendar is to display, by month or week, the current project's Site Visits, Holidays, Contact Calendar Dates, and Project Events that have the Show on Calendar check box checked.


Users can Search for visits by utilizing the multiple filter options:

To remove all Search options, click the button.


To edit an event, click next to a Site Visit, which will open the Site Visit module or next to a Contact Calendar Date, which will open the Calendar Date module. Users must have Insert permission for the Site Visits feature. See your administrator if you need this permission.


To add an event, click . Users must have Insert permission for the Site Visits feature. See your administrator if you need this permission.


Project Events with the Show on Calendar check box checked will include:

= Not Completed

= Completed


Site Visits in the calendar view are color coded to signify different Site Visit Categories, such as Clinical, Engineering, Training, etc., or the Site Visit Type, such as Service under the Engineering site visit category. The background color for each Site Visit Category and each Site Visit Type is defined on the Site Visit Category or Site Visit Type page respectively of the System Tables. The Site Visit Type background color will override the Site Visit Category color.


For Holidays to display, the Holiday must be active and the Holiday Type must have the Show on Calendar check box checked. The background color of each Holiday date will be set as follows:


For the Country Flag icon to appear, the Enable Country Flag on Calendar Configuration Variable must be set to True, which is on the Administration tab, System Configuration, Domain Configuration, or Project Configuration modules under Site Visits configuration group.


Click here for a description of the Common Buttons found throughout the system.



Month View




Week View