Holiday Type

The Holiday Type  module provides the user with the ability to add different types of holidays that can be made available to a single country or countries or all countries.


When editing a record, additional tabs become available including Holiday Dates and Countries. To remove a holiday, click  and click to return to the Holiday module.


Click to return to the Holiday Types module.


Click here for a description of the Common Buttons found throughout the system.



Adding a Record




Editing a Record





Holiday Type*

This field is required. Enter the name of the holiday type with up to 50 characters.

Show on Calendars

Placing a check in this box will have the holiday appear on the Contact Calendar, My Calendar, Project Calendar, and the Country Calendar.

All Countries

Placing a check in this box will have the holiday type accessible regardless of the country. If the holiday is specific to a country or countries, un-check this box and return to the Holiday Type module Countries tab and select the appropriate country(ies).


Select whether the holiday type should be available on all domains or certain domains. This field will be visible if the application is licensed for Multi-Domain Edition.


* Field is required.