Permission Set

The Permission Set module is where you provide a contact with access to Projects. You can also edit the Data Access Scope and Project Role(s) of the contact.  


The Permission Set record will be read only if the record is prior to the Current Permission Set or if the record has been used to Login by the Project Contact User and the current date is greater than the First Login Date.


For Project Team and Site Team Members, all of the Primary, Current, and Future Address, Phone, Fax, and Email records from the Global Contact will be added to the Included in Project section.


For Site Staff, all of the Primary, Current, and Future Address, Phone, Fax, and Email records from the Global Contact will be added to the Included in Project section if they are linked to the same Institution as the Site Institution.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.



  1. Permission Set Accessed through Global Contacts by clicking








The Project field is read only and displays the name of the selected Project. This field is hidden when editing an existing record.


The Name field is read only and displays the name of the selected Global Contact.


The Action field is read only and states Add to Project.

From Date

This field is required and defaults to today's date. The date cannot be prior to the maximum date of the From Date, Thru Date, or  Last Login Date.


The Comment field is available to add comments and can hold up to 200 characters.

Data Access Scope

This field is required and will default to the value of the Default Data Access Scope associated with the current value of the Role field. The options for this field are Full, Mixed, Restricted, and Read Only.  
  • Full: Full access to and Notifications for all countries and sites
  • Mixed: Full access to Selected Countries and Sites and Read Only to others

  • Restricted: Full access to Selected Countries and Sites and No Access to others

  • Read Only: Read only to all countries and sites

Project Role

The Project Role is a required field and the choices for the dropdown list will be limited to the list of active Project Roles.  It defaults to the role assigned to the selected Global Contact in the Primary Role field on the Contact tab.





  1. Permission Set Accessed from Change Permissions and Global Contact Browse Module


The Permission Set module is where you provide a contact with access to Projects and where you can make them more or less restrictive as needed.  You can also edit the Data Access Scope and Project Role of the contact in this module.  Additionally, if the Data Access Scope is set to Full, Mixed or Restricted, you can assign specific permissions to Countries and Assign Sites.  




Permission Set for Project Role




Permission Set for Site Role




Permission Set Accessed from Global Contact Browse Module








The Action field is read only and displays Change Permissions/Roles.

From Date

The From Date field is required. If you selected EDIT, then the From Date will reflect the last From Date for the Permission Set. If you select ADD or Remove, the From Date will display the date entered in the Date of Change field in the Change Permissions module.

Temporary Change

If you place a check in the check box, the Thru Date field will open providing you with the ability to add a date when the permissions will be restored back to the Current Permission Set. This box is hidden when adding a permission set record.

Thru Date

This field is visible when the Temporary Change field is checked and when adding a new Permission Set for a new Global Contact. If this field is visible, then it is required. The date must be on/after the From Date. Future dates are allowed and cannot be after the From Date of the next sequential active Permission Set.

Reason for Change

The Reason for Change field is required and is limited to 200 characters. It will display what was entered in the Reason for Change field in the Change Permissions module.

Data Access Scope

The Data Access Scope field displays the data access currently assigned to the user. You can edit the Data Access Scope by clicking the to open the Permission Set Scope module. The available choices are:
  • None

  • Full

  • Mixed

  • Read Only

  • Restricted

 This field will be hidden when editing an existing Permission Set record.

Project Roles

The Project Roles list displays the roles assigned to the current user. You can add, edit, or remove the Project Roles by clicking the to open the Project Role module. In this module, you also can add or remove permission for the contact to receive notifications for events and reports. This field is restricted to the list of active roles for the contact type of the contact. It will be hidden when editing an existing Permission Set record. It will be visible when the Contact Type is equal to Project and if visible, is required.

Site Roles

The Site Roles list displays the roles assigned to the current user. You can add, edit, or remove the Project Roles by clicking the to open the Site Role module. In this module, you also can add or remove permission for the contact to receive notifications for events and reports. This field is restricted to the list of active Site Roles. It will be hidden when editing an existing Permission Set record. It will be visible when the Contact Type is equal to Site and if visible, is required.