My Calendar

The My Calendar page displays calendar information for the current user within the visible dates. These include:





The user can choose to view the calendar by changing its View (month or week) or Visit Label (Site or Project). When the Visit Label is set to Site, the Site Number and Name will display. When set to Project, the Project Name will display. The default value for this control is set in the Administration tab, System Configuration, Project configuration group,  Project Calendar Default View Configuration variable. The Site Visit icon will have:


Those users with Insert Permission for the Contact Calendar feature can click to open the Site Visit module, which provides users with the ability to add a site visit and/or click to open the Calendar Date module, which provides users with the ability to add an appointment to their own calendar. The only adds the date on the CTMS calendar, not Outlook. The will add the date to the CTMS calendar and Outlook.


The Site Visit Tooltip will display the Site Number and Name. If the current user does not have permission to view the Site Visit, the tooltip will state that the user cannot view the Site Visit. Also displayed will be the Site Country, Site Visit Category/Type/Length, Site Visit Monitor and Co-Monitors, Site Visit Dates and Travel Days (which will be hidden when the Enable Site Visit Travel Days under the Site Visit configuration group is set to False).


The background color of the calendar item is set in the system tables for Site Visit Category or Site Visit Type of the Site Visit. A color entered for the Site Visit Type will override the value set for the Site Visit Category.


A Contact Calendar Item will include the edit button , a Calendar Icon , and Calendar Date Name.


Holidays will be displayed as the name of the Holiday Type to the right of the calendar date. The background color of each Holiday date will be set to:

o  Holidays for the Default Country will be set to pale yellow

o  Holidays for the Default Project Country will be set to pale blue

o  Holidays for the Selected Country will be set to pale green (only if a Country is selected in the Grid Filter)

o  Holidays for All Project Countries will be set to pale gray


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.