
In the Institution module, the user can add or edit an Institution's information. Once editing an institution, the Type and Name fields will be populated from when the record was added. The Use as Project Company check box will appear for Institution Types of either CRO or Sponsor. Additional information can be found on the Status, Memo, Address, Phone, Fax, Vendor, Custom Fields, Data Access, and Projects tabs.


Click to return to the Global Institution List page.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.



To add an institution:



  1. Select an Institution Type from the drop down list

  2. Enter the Name of the institution as it will appear on reports

  3. Click the button for the system to check for Potential Duplicates. If there are potential duplicates, the following screen will appear.



    1. If the Contact does not appear below the Potential Duplicate Records section, then the user can place a check in the Add New Global Contact check box and click , which opens the Institution tab with additional fields.



    1. If the institution appears below the Potential Duplicate Records section, then the user can click the edit button, which will allow more fields to appear on the Institution page. Additional tabs become available including Status, Memo, Address, Phone, Fax, Custom Fields, Data Access, and Projects.



Editing a Record for Research Facility, SMO, or Sponsor Types



Editing a Record for CRO or Other Types



Editing a Record for System Type





(Institution) Type

The Type field is required when adding a record and read-only when editing. The types include:

  • CRO - Used most often when the system is shared with another company. The first company is the licensed company and the second company is a CRO and the Use as Project Company box is checked. Institution Code is required. Both companies will be able to add and edit data. Restrictions can be placed to prevent the CRO from viewing licensed company's data.

  • IRB -  (Institutional Review Board) A company with this Institution Type will be included in the drop down field called IRB on the Site module when Central is selected on the IRB/Ethics Type field.

  • Other - This selection has no role in the system.

  • Research Facility - This selection allows you to assign a site number to an institution in a project.

  • SMO - (Site Management Organization provides clinical trial related services to a contract research organization (CRO), a pharmaceutical company, a biotechnology company, a medical device company or a clinical site. This selection has no role in the system.

  • Sponsor - This selection indicates the company that hired the CRO. Other read-only responsibilities can be assigned to those contacts who work for the sponsor.


When adding an institution, the user can enter a name up to 200 characters. This field is required. When editing, the institution's name should appear and the field is editable. This field will be read only when editing the Global Institution defined in the CTMS License.


This field will be hidden when editing an existing record. If visible, it is required. The choices for this field is restricted to the list of active Countries under the Project tab, Project Countries module.


The user can enter a code up to 10 characters.

Web Site*

The Web Site field holds up to 100 characters for the institution's web address.


The Comment field holds up to 200 characters and can include additional information on the institution.



Domain Scope

This field is required and includes the following choices:
  • All Domains
  • All Production Domains (Multi-Domain Edition only)
  • All Test Domains (Multi-Domain Edition only)
  • Selected Domains
When editing existing records, this field is hidden on the Institution tab, but will display on the Data Access tab instead.



This field is required and will have the following choices:

  • Approved

  • Not Approved

  • Pending Review

This field will be visible if the Enable Review Status Configuration Variable is set to True.

This field will be hidden on the Institution Tab when editing existing records, but will be displayed on the Status tab instead.

This field will be read-only if the user does not have Admin Permission for the Global Contacts feature.

When adding a new Global Contact, this field will default as follows:

  • If the Enable Review Status Configuration Variable is set to False, this field will be set to Approved.

  • If the Enable Review Status Configuration Variable is set to True and the current user has Admin permission for Global Contacts then this field will be set to Approved.

  • Otherwise, this field will be set to Pending Review.

Status Date

This field will be visible if the Review Status field is set to Approved or Not Approved. If visible, this field is required.

When editing existing records, this field will be hidden on the Institution tab, but will display on the Status tab instead. This field will be read-only if the user does not have Admin Permission for the Global Contacts feature.


This field will be visible if the Review Status field is set to Approved or Not Approved. If visible, this field can hold up to 200 characters. When editing existing records, this field will be hidden on the Institution tab, but will display on the Status tab instead. This field will be read-only if the user does not have Admin Permission for the Global Contacts feature.



Use as Project Company*

This field is visible when the application is licensed for Multi-Company mode. It will be checked and disabled if the Global Institution has been used as a Company for at least one active Project. When this field is checked, the Institution will be available in the Company field on the Project Dialog and on the Company Configuration Page.

Use as Vendor*

A check in this box indicates that payments can be tracked for this institution. If this field is checked, the Institution will be available as a Vendor on the Vendor Selection Control. This field will be checked and read only if there are any active Vendor Costs for the Institution. This field will be hidden when editing the Global Institution defined in the CTMS License.  This field will be hidden unless the current user has Permission for the Vendor Payments Feature.



Global ID*

This field will be hidden when editing the Global Institution defined in the CMTS License. If visible, it can hold up to 25 characters. This field will be read only unless the current user has Admin Permission for the Global Contacts Feature.


*These fields appear when editing a record.