Data Access (Institution)

The Data Access tab provides the ability to change the Domains that the institution can be available. The tab is visible to users who have Administrative Permission for the Global Contacts feature. A user can be given access to All Domains, All Production Domains, All Test Domains, or Selected Domains. For Selected Domains, the user picks from a list of domains.


Additional information can be found on the  Institution, Status, Memo, Address, Phone, Fax, Vendor, Custom Fields, and Projects tabs.


Click to return to the Global Institution List page.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.






Domain Scope

Use this drop down box to select the domain scope for the institution. The selections are: All Domains, All Production Domains, All Test Domains and Selected Domains. This field will be displayed on the Institution tab when creating a new record but will display on the Data Access tab when editing an existing record. This field will be read-only if the user does not have Administrative permission for the Global Contacts feature. This field is required. See Domain for more information.