Home > Home > Contact Calendar > Adding Site Visit > Attachments Tab > Attachments (Site Visit)
The Attachments tab connects
documents to the site visit. Users can click
to add one document at a time or
to open the Document
module; or
to download
the document. Trip Reports will not appear in the list, but will
appear in the Attachments
tab of the Site Visit Report list.
Other tabs are available to track additional information including Site Visit,
Attendees, Site
Visit Report, and
Custom Fields.
The Document Type base table is SiteVisit.
Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.
Field |
Description |
Document |
This column lists the document names. |
Comment |
This column displays any comments made on the Document module. |
Date |
This column displays the date provided for the document. |
Expiration |
This column displays the date that the document expires. It will display N/A if the document was defined to not have an expiration date on the Document module. |
Upload/Link Date |
This column displays the date that the document was added to the system. |
User |
This column displays the initials of the user who uploaded the document. |
Type |
This column displays an icon of the document's file type, e.g. Word, Excel, PDF, etc. The available icons are listed on the Document Extensions page on the System Tables page of the Administration tab. |
Src |
This column displays an icon that indicates the location and availability of the document.