Home > Home > Contact Calendar > Adding Site Visit > Attendees Tab > Attendees
The Attendees tab is
populated with the project contacts for the current project and the site
staff contacts for the site of the Site Visit. The user can select all
the contacts listed by clicking ,
unselect all of the contacts by clicking
, or
select one or more by placing a check in the box in front of the desired
contact. If you are writing a site
visit report and a name is not
listed, then you may need to add
this name on the report under a separate area. Many site visit report templates
include a section for Additional
Attendees, however, if you're template
does not include this section, you may include the additional names under
the Narrative or Issues tabs. Speak with your supervisor on the
best way to handle.
Additional information can be entered on the Site Visit, Site Visit Report, Custom Fields (if defined), and Attachments tabs.
Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.