Approved Transactions (Site)

The Approved Transactions tab displays a summary of approved payment transactions for the current Site, and the user can create an invoice of these transactions by clicking for the New Invoice module to open. By clicking next to a specific transaction, the user can un-approve the transaction or make adjustments to the amounts; either the Transaction module or the Pass-Thru Cost Transaction module will open, depending on the transaction type. Additional information can be found on the Overview, Costs, Pass-Thru Costs, Invoices, and Payments tabs.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.






Txn Date

This column displays the date of the transaction.


This column displays the type of transaction.

  • ADJ  = Adjustment

  • CHG = Charge

  • REV = Reversing Adjustment


This column displays the time frame of the transaction, for instance, Visit 1 or 2.

Event Date

This column displays the date of the event.

Site Budget

This column displays the name of the site's budget of the transaction.


This column displays the dollar amount of the transaction. The total of this field will match the Approved Amount field from the Site Finance Overview Tab.


This column displays the dollar amount that is held back from the amount.


This column displays the Amount less the Holdback.