Pass-Thru Cost Transaction

The Pass-Thru Cost Transaction module provides the ability to view and edit a single Site Pass-Thru Cost Transaction record. The record will be read only if the transaction has been invoiced.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.








This field indicates which budget, if any, the transaction is covered under. This field is read only.

Pass-Thru Cost Date

This field indicates the date of the pass-thru cost and is read only.


This field contains a description of the transaction and is read only.

Txn Type

This field indicates the type of payment, either Charge or Manual Adjustment (the default when adding a new record). This field is read only.


This field allows the user to select either Deduction (default) or Increase when adding a new adjustment. This field is required.


This field is hidden when adding a new adjustment and read only when visible.

Transaction Date

This field indicates the date of the adjustment and is required.


This field allows up to 6 digit integers and is required.


This field indicates the cost of each transaction and is required.


A check in the box indicates that the transaction has been approved.


The user can enter up to 200 characters and is required.