
In the Address tab, the user can store multiple addresses for the selected contact and if the contact is affiliated with an Institution that is stored in the Global Institution database, then the user can connect the contact to this institution, which will bring forward the Institution addresses. Also, the user can add other addresses that are not affiliated with the institution.


To add one address at a time, click or to edit a desired address or to indicate that an address is no longer valid, click , which opens the Contact Address module.


Addresses are displayed under Primary, Current and Not Current categories. There can only be one Primary address and this is also managed on the Contact Address module.


Additional information is available on the Contact, Status, Memo, Phone, Fax, Email, Calendar, Custom Fields, Login, Data Access, and Projects tabs.


Click to return to the Contact List page.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.







This column displays whether the address record is linked to the Global Contact Institution.

= Linked to the Global Contact’s Institution

= Not linked to the Global Contact’s Institution


This column displays the type of address that was selected:

  • Business

  • Business2

  • Home

  • Main Office

  • Other


This column displays the Institution that is indicated for this contact, if entered.


This column displays the department that is indicated for the contact, if entered.


This column displays the Country.


This column displays the Address, if entered.

From Date


This column displays the date that the address is in effect. The default is the date that the address was added.

Thru Date

This column displays the date that the address is no longer valid. If this is not the Primary address, select or add another address in the Contact Address module and make that address Primary. This will display the address under the Not Current category.


This column displays any comments entered in the Contact Address module about this address.