On the Address tab, the user can store multiple addresses for the selected institution. Addresses are displayed under Primary, Current and Not Current categories. There can only be one Primary address and this is managed on the Institution Address module. Additional information can be found on the Institution, Status, Memo, Phone, Fax, Vendor, Custom Fields (if defined), Data Access, Contacts, and Projects tabs.
Add an Address
Click the Add New Address button to open the Institution Address module.
If this address is the primary address, you may place a check in the Primary box
Edit an Address
Click to open
the Institution
Address module.
When an Address Is No Longer Valid
open the Institution
Address module.
In the Thru Date field, enter the date that the address was no longer valid or the date that you learned that the address is not valid
Click Save, which returns you to this tab
On this tab, click
to the address that is current or click the Add
New Address button to add a new address, which opens the Institution
Address module.
Place a check in the Primary box on the Type row
Click Save, which returns you to this tab
Click Save to return to the Global Institution List page.
Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.