Trial Master Files

This tab lists the Trial Master File (TMF) template that the document or document type is mapped to, whether a user has chosen to override the map, and any comments associated with the mapping. This tab will be visible if the Enable Document Trial Master Files is set to True in the System Configuration , Domain Configuration, or Project Configuration modules under the Document TMF base table.


Clicking opens the Document TMF window, which allows a user to override the default Trial Master File Template assigned.


Click Document Trial Master File for more information on the process.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.



Document Module






TMF Template This column displays the Trial Master File Template that has been assigned to the Document Type.
Document Type TMF Map This column displays where the document is located within the TMF Template.
Override If there is a check in the column, then a user selected to Override the Document Type TMF Map within Document TMF.
Override TMF Map This column will state N/A if the Document Type TMF Map has not been overridden, otherwise it will list a new location within the TMF in which this document is stored.
Comment This column will display any comments entered within Document TMF.



Document Type Module





Trial Master File This column displays the Trial Master File Template that has been assigned to the Document Type.
Level 1 This column displays where the document is located on the first level of the Trial Master File Template.
Level 2 This column displays where the document is located on the second level of the Trial Master File Template.
Level 3 This column displays where the document is located on the third level of the Trial Master File Template.