Shipment Vendors

The Shipment Vendors page lists the vendors that are used for shipping inventory throughout all projects. This table lists the vendors that will ship your inventory and you can add a mechanism that can help you track the shipments in another module. This differs from vendors that are entered in the Global Institution Library, which is used to monitor payments. The Shipment Vendors, which may also appear in the Global Institution Library, are used to track shipments.


The Tracking URL column displays the link that the administrator enters on the Shipment Vendor module. This allows the user to simply enter the tracking number of an inventory shipment on the Shipment module. A hyperlink is created and will appear on the Inventory Shipments page, which will allow the user the ability to click the link and go to the vendor's web page to track the shipment.


Users can filter the records on Active, Inactive, or All and can perform a search for a word or string in the record. To remove all search options, click the button. To add a record, click or edit a record, click , which opens the Shipment Vendor module.


Columns can be sorted  in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading.


Click here for a description of the Common Buttons found throughout the system.