
The Shipment module allows the user the ability to add or edit a shipment record. The shipment record includes whether the shipment is pending or shipped, the shipment date, the expected and actual delivery date, the vendor used for shipping and the tracking number. If the administrator added a hyperlink in the Shipment Vendor System Table, then this tracking number will appear on the Inventory Shipments page and connect you to the vendor's tracking page.


When adding a shipment record, a sequential Shipment ID number will be assigned to each record by the system.


When the Inventory Shipment Status is changed to Cancelled, the following actions will occur:


When an existing Inventory Shipment is saved, the system will check the Transactions tab for any records that have been linked to Used or Adjustment transactions at the Site. If records exist, then a message will display and the record will not be saved unless the Shipment Status to set to Pending and the Shipment Delivery Status is set to either Delivered or Not Required.


When the record is saved, the Global Inventory Process will update all Global and Site Inventory tabulations and return you to the Inventory Shipments page.


Click here for a description of the Common Buttons found throughout the system.








Shipment ID

This field will be hidden when adding a new record and read only when editing.

Shipment Type

When adding a record, this field is required with the following choices:

  • Return

  • Send

When editing an existing record, this field is read only.


When adding a record, this field is required and displays the list of Projects in the current Domain Type for the current user. When editing an existing record, this field is read only. When on the Sites tab, the field is read only.


When adding a record, this field is required and displays the list of Sites in the selected Project for the current user. When editing an existing record, this field is read only. When on the Sites tab, the field is read only.

Return Authorization

This field is visible when the Shipment Type field is set to Return and can hold up to 50 characters.

Shipment Status

This field is required and will default to the value set in the Default Shipment Status Configuration Variable in the Global Inventory configuration group. If no value is set in the Configuration Variable, then no default value will be added.  The choices:

  • Cancelled - this choice will not be available when adding a new record

  • Pending

  • Shipped   

Shipment Date

This field is required and will default to the current date. It will allow future dates.

Expected Delivery Date

This field will allow future dates.


This field is limited to the records on the Shipment Vendors Page.

Tracking Number

This field can hold up to 25 characters.

Shipment Comment

 This field can hold up to 200 characters.

Delivery Status

This field will be hidden when adding a new record or when the Shipment Status is set to either Pending or Cancelled. If visible, it is required and contains the following choices:

  • Delivered

  • Lost

  • Not Required

  • Pending

This field will default to the value set in the Default Shipment Delivery Status Configuration Variable in the Global Inventory configuration group. If no value is set in the Configuration Variable, then no default value will be added.

Delivery Status Date

This field will be hidden when adding a new record or when the Shipment Status is set to either Pending or Cancelled. If visible, this field is required and will allow an unknown date.

Delivery Comment

This field will be hidden when adding a new record or when the Shipment Status is set to either Pending or Cancelled.  If visible, this field can hold up to 200 characters.