
The Report tab allows the user the ability to add or edit a single report record. Only Custom Reports, those created by the user, can be edited. In a Standard Report, those created by ClinPlus CTMS, the user can only change the parameter to make the report available to all users. A standard report template can be edited by clicking . This will produce a duplicate of the selected template and creates the name by having "Copy of" plus the name of the current report in the Name field. This field can be changed as well as the other fields on this tab and the other tabs, including the Design, Report Fields, Group Fields, Sort Fields, and Parameter Fields tabs.


Clicking will open a new tab that will allow the user the ability to select report parameters for the report to produce the desired information. When this button is clicked, the Report Run Dialog will opene for the current report. Any unsaved changes will be saved prior to running the report.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.



Adding a Report





Editing a Custom Report





Viewing a Standard Report at Project Level






Report Type

This field will be hidden when editing an existing record and read only when adding. This field will default to the value set for the Report Type on the Report List page.


This field is required and can hold up to 50 characters.


This field is required and can hold up to 200 characters.

Table/Data Source

For new reports, the user selects from the list of active data sources for the report. For an existing report, the user selects from the active datasources that have the same base table as the current report. This field will be required


This field is hidden when creating a new report and is visible when editing. The system populates this field and is based on the report that is selected.


This field is hidden when creating a new report and is visible when editing. The system populates this field and is based on the report that is selected.

Base Table

This field is hidden when creating a new report since the base table will be included in the data source field and read only when visible.

Data Source

This field will be required. For new reports, this field is restricted to the list of active data sources for the Module of the report. The Module of a new report is determined by the value of the Module field of the Reports page. The base table name and data source name will be listed for each available data source. For an existing report, this field is restricted to the list of active data sources that have the same base table as the current report.

Restrict to Project

This field will display when editing an existing record. The user can select from the list of projects. When the value is entered for this field, the report will only be available in that project. This field will be hidden unless the Report Type is set to Report. This field will be hidden if the Report is based on a non-Project data source.

Available to Users

This field will display when editing an existing record and the Report Type is set to Report. When this field is checked, the report will be available to all users who have Read permission for the feature of the report. If unchecked, the report will no longer appear on the Reports pages in the Home, Project, Sites, Enrollment and Finance tabs, but will continue to be available on the Reports page of the Administration module.