Projects List

The Projects page lists all the projects that have been created in the system. Users can filter the records on Active, Inactive, or All as well as search for a word or string in the record. Those systems installed with Domain functioning, can search on the Domain name, too. To remove all search options, click the button.


The user can add a record by clicking for the New Project module to open or edit a record by clicking , which opens the Project module.


Click Project is Closed for recommendations on the steps to take within CTMS when the project has closed.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.







Search Fields



The user can filter the projects based on Domain. A Domain is a way to categorize your projects. CROs usually have Client domains and Pharmaceutical companies often have therapeutic area or department domains. This field will be visible if the application is licensed for multiple companies.


The user can filter the institutions based on whether the records are active or inactive, or simply select all records.


The user can enter any word or string to see if it exists in the database.

Column Headings


Project Name*

This column displays the names of the projects and separates them into those in Production and Test.


A check in this column indicates that the database is available for use.

Project Status*

This column indicates whether the project is Active or Read Only. It is assigned on the Project tab.

Project Stage*

This column indicates the stage or level that a project was assigned. The options are Analysis, Complete, Data Management, Planning, Regulatory, Reporting, Startup, and Study Conduct and are assigned on the Project tab.

Database Version*

This column indicates the version of the database. The icons indicate:

= Database version is not current

= Database version is current

= The database has not been created

Protocol Number*

This column indicates the number of the protocol that was assigned on the Protocol tab.

Test Article*

This column displays the selection made from items that were created in the System Code Tables titled Test Articles.


This column indicates the phase that a project was assigned. The options are Phase 0, I, I/II, Ib, II, II/III, IIb, III, IIIb, IV, or V and are assigned on the Protocol tab.

Start Date*

This column lists the protocol's start date and are assigned on the Project tab.

End Date*

This column lists the protocol's end date and are assigned on the Project tab.


* Click the column heading to sort in ascending or descending order.