
On the Protocol tab, the user can view and edit general information regarding the project. They are used for informational purposes, such as being included in the standard Project List report or as a filter on the Global Statistics page.


Other tabs include Project and Key Roles.


Click here for a description of the Common Buttons found throughout the system.







Protocol Number

The user can enter up to 25 characters.

Protocol Title

The user can enter up to 1000 characters.

Project Group

The user can select from the list of Project Groups populated from the System Tables page. This field will be hidden if the value of the Enable Project Groups configuration variable is set to False.

Test Article

The user can select from the list of Test Articles populated from the System Tables page. If the application is licensed for Multi-Company mode, this field will be restricted to the list of Test Articles for the current company on the Projects page.


The user can select from the list of Protocol Phases populated from the System Tables page.

Therapeutic Group

The user can select from the list of Therapeutic Groups populated from the System Tables page.