Country Events

The Country Events tab displays milestone events and dates, including Baseline, Target, and Completed, for the current Project and selected country. This tab will be hidden unless the user has permission for the Country Management feature. Users with this permission can add an event by clicking or edit an event by clicking , which opens the Country Event module. These events are considered custom events and will be displayed unless inactivated.  Administrators can add and edit project event categories and types in the Administration tab, Project Event Groups and Project Event Types modules. To appear on the Country tab, the Include in Country Events field on the Usage tab of the Project Event Type module must be checked.


Some events are found on the Project Events and/or Site Events pages. Users enter the event date, such as the First Feasibility Questionnaire Sent, on the Site Event page. The system checks this event on all the site events pages and brings forward the earliest date into the Project Events page. Other events may bring forward the latest date.


When the button is clicked, the sort order of the Country Events will be reset to the order defined on the Project Event Type page. Custom Project Events will be displayed after the Project Events from the Project Event Type List until they are reordered.


Users with Administrator permission may also Set, Lock, and Unlock the Country Event Baseline by clicking either , or . These buttons will display when:


To set the Baseline, first enter the Target Dates and Comments, then click  . You will be asked to confirm that the current Target Dates and Target Comments will be copied to the Baseline Dates and Baseline Comments. If you confirm the action, the Target Date and Comment field values will overwrite any existing Baseline Date and Comment field values.


When clicking , the user will be asked to confirm that the current Baseline will be locked. If the user confirms the action, the Project Baseline will be locked.


When clicking ,the user will be asked to confirm that the current Baseline will be unlocked.  If the user confirms the action, the Project Baseline will be unlocked.


For more information, click Instruction on How to Manage the Project, Country and Site Events Pages.


Columns can be sorted  in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.







This column lists the events as defined on the Project Event Type page.



This column will be visible if the Enable Baseline Events configuration variable is set to True.




This column displays an icon that indicates the source of the information.

   = Target value has not been set

   = Target value has been set manually

 = Target value has been set by a System Calculation

= Target value has been set by a Data Import


If a date is not populated in this column, then one of the following values will appear in a grey font:

  • Not Defined  = A manual value is expected

  • Auto Update = A System Calculation is expected to provide the value


This column displays information that was entered on the Country Event module.




This column displays an icon that indicates the source of the information.

   = Target value has not been set

   = Target value has been set manually

 = Target value has been set by a System Calculation

= Target value has been set by a Data Import


If a date is not populated in this column, then one of the following values will appear in a grey font:

  • Pending = A manual value is expected

  • Auto Update = A System Calculation is expected to provide the value


This column displays information that was entered on the Country Event module.


This column displays a Graphic Sprite.

A Critical icon appears if the Target Completion Date is prior to the current date

 An OK icon appears if the Projected Completion Date is on or before the Target Completion Date.


This column will display a check if the event will appear on the calendar. This is based on the check box on the Country Event module for the Show on Calendar field.


The two arrows move the rows up or down . Inactive records always will be excluded during the reorder process. When an inactive record is reactivated after the records have been reordered, then the record will appear at the end of the list.