Custom Tables

Administrators can add a Custom Table to the Country, Project, Site, and Subject base tables. Data from these tables can be printed in System Reports and included in the Site Visit Report Template as a sub-report. This differs from the Custom Fields System Tables in that the Custom Table can hold multiple entries of custom fields. You do not need to enter the fields into the Custom Fields System Tables first. Custom Tables System Tables act independently of the Custom Fields System Tables. Fields are added within the Custom Table module.


First, select the Base Table, then either click the button to add a new field or click to open the Custom Table module.


Users can filter by the Base Table, or on Active/Inactive/All records as well as search for a word or string in the record. To remove all search options, click the button.


Columns can be sorted  in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.



Creating a Custom Table on Administration Tab for the Subject Base Table


The Custom Table on the Enrollment Tab





This column shows the name given to the custom table.


This column shows the name that will display on the top of the page of the Custom Table.

Menu Text

This column shows the name that will display as the menu item for the Custom Table.


This column shows any comments made about the table.