Costs (Project Finance)

The Costs page displays a summary of costs grouped by Subject Visits, Subject Events, Serious Adverse Events, Pass-Thru Costs, and Vendor Costs for the current project. By clicking for the Subjects sections, the Site Costs module opens where the user can approve and un-approve individual site costs.  By clicking for the Vendor section, the Vendor Costs module opens where the user can approve and un-approve individual vendor costs. Additional information can be found on the Overview, Costs by Payee, Approved Transactions, Open Invoices, Holdback, and Pending Checks tabs.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.







This column displays the number of sites with costs in this area.


The total of this column, minus the subtotal of the Accrued Vendor Costs, matches the Accrued field from the Project Finance Overview tab.


The total of this column, minus the subtotal of the Future Vendor Costs, matches the Future field from the Project Finance Overview tab.


This column displays the sum of the Accrued and Future fields. The total of this column, minus the subtotal of the Total Vendor Costs, matches the Total Payment Amounts field from the Project Finance Overview tab.


This column displays the amounts that have not yet been invoiced. The total of this column, minus the subtotal of the Total Vendor Costs, matches the difference between the Total Payment Amounts field and the Invoiced field from the Project Finance Overview tab.


This column displays the amounts that have been invoiced. The total of this column, minus the subtotal of the Invoiced Vendor Costs, matches the Invoiced field from the Project Finance Overview tab.