
Home > Project > Project > Project Reports > Project Reports

Project Reports

The Project Reports page displays a list of standard (ClinPlus CTMS-created) and custom reports (user-created). To appear on the list, the report must be active, the Module of the report must equal Project, and the Available to Users field for the report must be checked or the creator of the report must be the current user.


The user can add a report by clicking if given Insert Permission for the Report Management feature or edit a report by clicking , which opens the Report module. The user can run the desired report while in this module by clicking or in the Report module of the desired report by clicking , which will open the Report Setup module in a new browser tab.


Columns can be sorted  in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.







This column displays the name of the report.


This column displays an explanation of the report.


This column displays whether the report will appear in portrait or landscape style.


This column displays whether the report is a standard report (created by ClinPlus CTMS) or a custom report (created by the user whose initials will appear in this column).