My Sites Tab

Site information is listed in alphabetical order by investigator name for sites that have the status Startup, Open, Enrollment Hold, or Closed. The current user must be listed as an active member on the Project Team for this tab to be visible and be assigned the sites on the Assigned Sites of the Permissions module. The user can click one of the other tabs to view the Sites by Investigator,  Sites by Number, Sites by Institution, My Recent Sites, Startup Sites, Unused Sites, or perform a Search.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.







Click the button to view more detailed information about the site.

Indicates that the site is a Startup.

Indicates that the site is Open.

Indicates that the site is in Enrollment Hold.

Indicates that the site is Closed.


This column lists the number of the site for this project, if assigned.


This column lists the Investigator of the site for this project.


This column lists the Institution of the Investigator listed.


This column lists the country of the Investigator institution.

Site Group

This column lists the Site Group connected to the country of the Investigator's Institution. If no Site Groups have been defined for the current project, then this field will be hidden.


This column lists the status of the investigator of the site.


This column will contain a check mark if the current user's permission for the Site is Read Only.