Vendor Costs List

The Vendor Costs List page displays the list of vendor costs. This page is visible when the Enable Site Budgets Configuration Variable is set to True. The user can filter by Budget Line Item, Project, Active/Inactive Records, or enter a word or string in the Search filter and press enter to find a specific item. To remove all search options, click the Clear Filters button. The user can edit an item by clicking , which opens the Vendor Cost module.


Most columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.








This column displays the date of the vendor cost.


This column displays the project, including the Master Project, that the vendor cost is assigned.

Vendor Cost

This column displays the amount of the cost.

Budget Line Item

This column displays the budget line item associated with the cost.


This column displays the number of items associated with this cost.


This column displays the amount of the charge.


This column displays the total of the cost (Qty x Rate).


This column indicates if the vendor cost is Pending or Invoiced.


This column displays the invoice number.

Invoice Date

This column displays the date of the invoice.