Contact Types

The purpose of the Contact Types page is to display the list of Contact Type records. Records are grouped by their Name, Code and Update Role.


You may add additional contact type records to allow you to segregate the records better.  The new records will be considered the same as "other " in the other parts of the system. To add a new contact type, click  , which opens the Contact Type module, where you enter a name, code and identify which roles are associated with the new Contact Type in the Data Access tab.

You may edit a record by clicking , which also opens the Contact Type module.


Users can filter the records on  Record Status (Active, Inactive, or All) as well as search for a word or string in the record. To remove all search options, click the button.


Columns can be sorted  in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.