The Invoice tab provides the ability to view or edit a single Site Invoice record and to view applied payments. Invoices can be voided, which returns all transactions to posted and unapplies any payments. After clicking Save, additional information is available on the Transactions, Payments, Custom Fields (if defined), and Attachments tabs.
Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.
Field |
Description |
Invoice |
The invoice number is displayed. This field will be hidden when creating a new record and read only when editing. This field will be formatted based on the Site Payment Invoice Number Length and Site Payment Invoice Number Prefix Configuration Variables under the Finance and Budgets configuration group. |
Site |
The Site number and name is displayed. This field is read only. |
Status |
The status of the invoice, such as Posted, is displayed. This field will be hidden when adding a new Invoice and read only when editing the record. |
Invoice Date |
This field is required and allows future dates. It will be read only if any payment has been applied to the Invoice. |
Thru Date |
This field is required and must be on/before the Invoice Date. It will be read only if any payment has been applied to the Invoice. |
Reference |
This field can hold up to 25 characters. |
Comment |
This field can hold up to 200 characters. |
Include All Transactions |
This field will be hidden when editing an existing record. If visible, a check in this field will invoice all eligible transactions. After clicking save, the user has the opportunity to select the transactions to be included on the invoice. |
Transactions |
This field displays the number of items included in this invoice. It is hidden when adding a record and when visible, is read only. |
Invoiced Amount |
This field displays the total amount of the Invoice. It is hidden when adding a record and when visible, is read only. |
Holdback Amount |
This field displays the total amount held back from this Invoice. It is hidden when adding a record and when visible, is read only. |
Paid Amount |
This field displays the total amount of payments applied to this invoice. It is hidden when adding a record and when visible, is read only. |
Current Balance |
This field will be calculated as the Invoiced Amount minus the Holdback Amount minus the Paid Amount. It is hidden when adding a record and when visible, is read only. |
Holdback Balance |
This field will be calculated as the Holdback Amount minus any Paid Amount that exceeds the Invoice Amount. It is hidden when adding a record and when visible, is read only. |
Invoice Balance |
This field will be calculated as the Invoiced Amount minus the Paid Amount. It is hidden when adding a record and when visible, is read only. |