Contact Email

In this module, the user can add or edit one email address at a time for the selected contact, indicate the primary email address, and when an email address is no longer valid. To inactivate a phone number, if the record is linked , then you must go to the source module where the record was created and click the Inactivate button. The source modules include Global Contacts or My Settings.


When an Email Address Is No Longer Valid


To Make an Email Address Primary


To Stop Notifications From Being Sent to an Email Address


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.



Adding an Email Record for Global Contacts with Contact Type of CRO, Other, Project, Site or Sponsor




Adding an Email Record for System Users




Editing an Email Record for Global Contacts with Contact Type of CRO, Other, Project, Site or Sponsor




Editing an Email Record for System Users






Enter the email address of the contact using up to 50 characters.



Use for iCalendar Requests

This field is only available to Project contact types. A check in the box indicates that the user will allow dates, such as site visits, to be uploaded to Outlook. To make a change to this appointment, the user must make the change in CTMS and this will be reflected in Outlook. Changing the date in Outlook will have no impact on CTMS. Notifications are not sent with this feature.

Use for Notifications

This field is only available to Project contact types. Check this box to use this email address to send notifications and reports. A change in the site visit date will send a notification to the email address.


Using the dropdown list, select the institutions that are housed in the Global Institutions database. If the contact type is Site, then the list of institutions will be restricted to Research Facility. If the contact type is Other, then the list of institutions will be restricted to Other, IRB or SMO. If the contact type is CRO, then the list of institutions will be restricted to CRO.  If the contact type is Project, then the list of institutions will be restricted to System. If the contact type is Sponsor, then the list of institutions will be restricted to Sponsor. This field will be read only when editing an Email record that has been inherited from the Global Contact's Institution.


Select the type of address from the following choices:

  • Business

  • Business2

  • Home

  • Other

When inserting a new record, the default value is Business. This field is required.

Type Name

When the Type field is equal to Other, then the Type Name field will appear. It is limited to 25 characters and is required.


After checking this field and saving the record, the current record will be identified as the primary email address for the contact. All other email address records for this contact will be marked as non-primary.


The user can enter up to 200 characters.



From Date:

The From Date is required. It will default to the current date when adding a new record.

Thru Date:

The Thru Date  is used to indicate when an address is no longer current or valid.