Project, Country, and Site Value Sets

The purpose of the Value Set page is to provide the ability to view and edit a single Value Set, as well as the Value Set Value records. The Statistics will be added to the Statistics Queue when the record is saved. The Value Set and all Values will be read only if the Value Set Date is prior to the current date.


Other tabs include Key Variables, Project Events, Sites, Site Events, Site Visits, Screening, Enrollment, All Subjects, Enrolled Subjects, Subject Visits, and Metrics tabs. One tab will be created for each Database Variable Group that has at least one active Database Variable as long as the Value Source on the System Variables page is not set to Not Defined.


Click here for a description of the Common Buttons found throughout the system.






To enter a new value record, click . When a new record is entered, and the Copy values from last Value Set field is checked, all values from the most recent active Value Set will be copied to the new Value Set. A check will be performed when adding a new Value Set to prevent the creation of multiple active Value Sets with the same Value Set Date. This button will be hidden when the Value Set Date is the current Date, or when adding a new record.






This field is read only and will default to the current date.


This field is limited to 200 characters.

Last Update Date

This field is visible when editing an existing record; otherwise, is hidden.

Last Update User

This field is visible when editing an existing record; otherwise, is hidden.

Copy Values from last Value Set

This field will be hidden when editing an existing record.