
The Features page displays a list of features that are available throughout all projects and allows access into its security. The user can edit an item by clicking , which opens the Feature module. The Security tab also will become available. These records can be filtered on Active, Inactive, or All and can be searched for a word or string within the record. To remove all search options, click the button.


The System Pages List PDF document lists the menu items and their corresponding features. If no Feature is listed, then all users receive that feature.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.







Search Fields



You can filter the records based on whether they are active or inactive, or simply select all records.


You can enter any word or string to see if it exists in the database.

Column Headings



This column displays the names of the features that can be edited. The features are categorized by Home, Project, Country, Site, Enrollment, Finance, and Administration.


*Click the column head to sort in ascending or descending order.