Statistics Queue

The Statistics Queue page can be found on the Home and Administration tabs and displays the list of statistic queue records. Users can filter the records by:

To find an item, use the Search filter. To remove all search options, click the Reset Filters button.


The page will refresh automatically based on the number of seconds in the Refresh Interval System configuration variable under the Application group. To view this page, you must have permission on your role for the feature, System Configuration.


Click the Pause button to pause the automatic refresh of the data being displayed for the duration of the user's session. Only the display is paused, not the refresh. Click the Resume button to have the automatic refresh begin again.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.







This column lists the project that the statistics is running against.


This column lists the base table of the record.


This column lists the country.


This column lists the site.

Added to Queue

This column lists the date that the record was added to the list.


This column lists whether the record is In Queue, Running, or Stopped.


This column lists any comments that were entered at the time the record was submitted.