Site Date Exclusion

The user can add or edit the dates and reasons for an exclusion. These dates will be excluded from enrollment rate calculations.


Clicking Save or Cancel will return you to the Exclusions tab.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.






Exclusion Reason

Enter a reason why the dates will be excluded from the Site calendar. This field can hold up to 50 characters and is required.

From Date

This field is required and only allows dates that are valid for this site including those in the future.

Thru Date

This field is required and only allows dates that are valid for this site including those in the future and must be on or after the From Date.

Thru Date (Anticipated)

The anticipated date is the date that this exclusion reason is expected to conclude. This field only allows dates that are valid for this site including those in the future and must be on or after the From Date.