Report Field

The Report Field module allows the user to add (or remove) one field at a time to a report.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.






Report Field

The user selects a field from the drop down list. This field is required. The field must be within the Data Source that appears on the Report tab. The available choices include:

  • Standard Field names included in the report’s data source

  • Custom Fields for the data source’s table which have the “Available as Report Field” field checked. These fields will be prefixed with “CUSTOM FIELD”

  • Custom Table Fields for a data source that is based on a Custom Table. Custom Table Fields will be prefixed with “CUSTOM TABLE: XXX” (where XXX is the name of the Custom Table)


The user places a check in the box if the field should not be visible in the report, but can be used for grouping and sorting of this field (see the Group Fields and Sort Fields tabs).


The user places a check in the box to use the default value or removes the check to enter their own caption for the report field with up to 50 characters. This field will appear on the report as a description of the field as the column header.

Width (in)

The user places a check in the box to use the default value or remove the check to enter their own width for the field. One integer place and one decimal place between 0.5 and 3 is allowed. This field will be hidden if the Hidden check box is checked.

Display as Check box on PDF

This field will be visible when the selected Filter field is a Boolean data type.

Field Type

This field will be visible when the selected Filter field is a Boolean data type. This field is required and is limited to the following choices:

  • EnabledDisabled

  • OnOff

  • TrueFalse

  • YesNo


This field will be visible when the selected Filter field is a Boolean data type. This field is required and is limited to the following choices:

  • All Values (default value)

  • Checked (True) values only

  • Unchecked (False) values only