Vendor Payment Invoice

The Vendor Payment Invoice page provides the ability to view or edit a single Vendor Payment Invoice record. This record represents the amount of the Vendor Invoice that is being paid by the current Vendor Payment. Upon saving the record, the Payment column on the Vendor Invoices page of the Vendor Payment dialog will be updated to reflect the amount in the Payment field. The Amount field of the Vendor Payment dialog will be updated to reflect the total of the Payment column of the Vendor Invoices page.


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.







This field is read only and displays the name of the vendor.


This field is read only and displays the number assigned to the selected invoice.


This field is read only and displays the date of the invoice.


This field is read only and displays either Paid or Pending.


This field is read only and displays the amount of the invoice.


This field is read only and displays the remainder left to pay on the invoice.


This field is required and must be at least zero and less than or equal to the amount in the Balance field. This field will be read only if the Vendor Payment status is Paid.