Payment (Site)

The user can view or edit a single Site Payment record and add different types of payments. Payments are applied to invoices in a chronological order; assigning an earlier invoice first.


Additional tabs are available. When adding a record, Open Invoices and Attachments tabs are available and when editing a record, Invoices, Custom Fields, and Attachments tabs are available.


  1. Current Balance that excludes the holdback percentage
    1. Used for typical payments of approved transactions

    2. Amount cannot be edited

  2. Total Balance that includes the holdback percentage

    1. Used to pay off final balance to Site at conclusion of trial

    2. Amount cannot be edited

  3. Custom Amount

    1. Subject Payment or Advance: will be applied to existing invoices or used for future invoices

    2. Other Payment: used for non-refundable costs


Click Common Buttons for a description of the buttons found throughout the system and their uses.



Adding a New Site Payment Record





Editing a Site Payment Record








The payment number is displayed. This field will be hidden when adding a new record. This field will be formatted based on the Site Payment Number Length and Site Payment Number Prefix Configuration Variables.


The number and name of the site that will receive the payment is displayed. This field is read only.


The user selects the status of the payment from the following choices:

  • Paid

  • Pending (default when adding a new record)

  • Void

This field is required.


This field defaults to the current date and is required.

Check Number

This field will be formatted based on the Site Payment Number Length and Site Payment Number Prefix Configuration Variables and is required. It will be hidden unless the value of the Status field is Paid or if a check number has been assigned and the value of the Status field is Void.


This field displays when the Amount Calculation is Custom Amount. The choices are Subject Payment or Advance or Other Payment. This field is read only when editing the record and required when visible.


This field is read only and hidden when adding a new record.


This field can hold up to 200 characters.

Amount Calculation

This field will be hidden when editing an existing record and required when visible. The user selects from the following choices:

  • Current Balance (excludes Holdback %)

  • Total Balance (includes Holdback %)

  • Custom Amount

Amount Currency

The amount of the new Site Payment record will be determined by the value of this field. This field will be hidden when editing an existing record. This field will display different values depending on the value of the Amount Calculation field.

  • If the value is Current Balance, then the current balance of existing invoices (excluding the holdback amount) will be displayed and will be read only.

  • If the value is Total Balance, then the total balance of existing invoices (including the holdback amount) will be displayed and will be read only.

  • If the value is Custom Amount, then an editable currency field will be displayed and will be required.




Clicking the button retains the information that was entered.

Clicking the button prevents any updates made during this session from being retained.

Clicking thebutton sets the Status to Void, the Amount to zero, and any amounts from this Site Payment that were applied to the Invoices will be removed.

Clicking the button shows the record's unique identifier, its active/inactive status, date/time and person who created it, and when and by whom it was modified. Click or to return to the editing module.

Clicking the button opens the current page in a new browser window in a printable format.