Protocol Amendments and Budgets

When the Protocol has been amended, there are several steps that need to be taken within ClinPlus CTMS.


  1. Go to the Project tab, Project Tables menu item
    1. If visits were added/removed from the Protocol, edit the Protocol Visits table
      1. To add a visit, click the Add New button
      2. To edit a visit, click the pencil icon next to that visit and click the inactivate button
    2. Edit the Protocol Visit Schedules table
      1. Edit the Protocol Visit Schedule
      2. Click the Copy button, change the name to the Amendment name and change the window or day ranges
    3. Edit the Protocol Versions table and click the Add New button to add the Amendment and connect it to the new Protocol Visit Schedule
  2. Go to the Finance tab
    1. Click the Budget Templates menu item
      1. Click the Add New button and select Create a New Budget Template
      2. For the Visit Schedule field, select the newly created Protocol Visit Schedule
      3. Click Save and edit all fields on all tabs
      4. Click Save again
    2. Click the Budget Maps menu item
      1. For the Protocol Version drop down list, select the Amendment and click Update Map
      2. Edit the record that should say No Budget Assigned
      3. For the Budget Template drop down field, select the new amendment template that was just created
    3. Click the Site Budget menu item and add the new budget to the proper sites